Swim for Tom 2021

The first group of swimmers at Swim for Tom 2020

Swim for Tom 2021.......will be a virtual challenge starting on Saturday 16 January and running for 4 weeks until Sunday 14 February. The only change to these dates will be if Wales goes into lockdown, in which case, the challenge will be suspended and the days missed added on to the end.

The third Swim for Tom has a target distance of 1146km, which is the distance from Monmouth to Edinburgh and back or 45,840 lengths of a 25m pool. It is our most challenging target ever.

Swimmers are asked to register here and set up a personal page on which they can track the number of lengths they have swum and set up a sponsorship page.

You will be able to track the total distance swum using our “otter-ometer” who will be swimming along the homepage river, showing the progress we are making.

There are two registration options for you to choose from:

Option 1 - £5: You will be emailed a certificate with your own distance and the total distance at the end of the challenge.

Option 2 - £10: You will be sent a “Swim for Tom” swimming hat on sign up and will receive an electronic certificate with your own distance and the total distance at the end of the challenge.

Countdown to start

countdown to Swim for Tom 2021

Otterometer Target Tracker

Swiming Otter ©2025 J Oakes

Total target is: 1146km

Distance covered so far: 0 km